Supporting Music Broth
membership and regular donations (the best!)
Our organisation runs through support from and for our community. The very best way to support us is to join as a member. It’s quick, easy and means we have regular sustained income to support everyone.
Every membership goes directly to keeping our library open, environmentally repairing instruments, adding to our in-house Access Fund to provide memberships to those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access instruments, and providing musical opportunities for everyone. Being a member is fantastic, you can choose from our library of instruments, or pay it forward for someone else to! Regular memberships also demonstrate the community backing of our musical library giving confidence to funders to provide match funding, make our organisation sustainable and really are the best way you can help us!
Gift a membership via a gift certificate 🎁 << click the gift
You could also consider sourcing or donating an instrument off our 'WANTED - not (yet) represented' list of instruments- instruments likely less common to the UK we have yet to have an example of in our library.
Thank you, this really is the best way you can help us!
You can also donate regularly to support aspects of our work. From passing it on to someone who can't, to helping with supplies!
You can also setup a standing order to regularly contribute:
Account Number: 31798550
Sort code: 09-01-29
Tell the world
We want everyone to be able to access instruments and musical opportunities! Sharing information about us is free!
Some easy ways to spread the word:-
Don't buy- borrow from us!
Tell your friends and family
share our social media posts
Share our social media posts- comment on them- this really does raise the engagement level of the posts with others- even if its just a quick hello!
Leave glowing reviews on review sites
Put a flyer, or notice, or business card up in social spaces - email us with what you need
Speak to organisations (charities, schools, corporate companies, your local council ) about the services we can offer them
Pass it on subscriptions for charities/organisations to share with their members
Workshops for intervention, or enjoyment for their charity service users
Back-line/PA hire for bands or venues - getting more musicians on stage!
Team working musical workshops for corporate
PA and Marquee hire for events
Gift a membership via a gift certificate 🎁 << click the gift!
One-off doNAtion
One-off donations are a great commitment free way to support us! Through one-off donations alone this year, we kept our library hub open for an additional 4 hours per week, ethically supporting a music tutor at Musicians Union rates to provide community jam sessions for all.
Make your one-off donation below!
You can also make a one off cash donation in our hub or at our events (add link)
If the above section doesn't work on your device, click here to pop it out into a new window.
Volunteer with us
We love our volunteers and have many different roles. We work with each volunteer to understand best ways to work together. Being part of our Music Broth team we make sure you get what you want out of it too!
We can be flexible with hours, or you can offer regular times. We have a huge range of roles, see some outlines below, to get a flavour!
To talk to us about volunteering, fill in the booking form below to arrange a chat in our Music Broth South Glasgow space. This ensures you have a confirmed time to discuss volunteering with our dedicated volunteer coordinator.
Please note: music tutor roles, and running workshops are not voluntary positions. We believe in fair pay. While we generally have a full complement of contract tutors right now, we always welcome interest. In which case please contact us via the email address at the bottom of the page in the first instance and we will keep you posted.
Social media & Marketing
Confident with Photoshop? great with Illustrator? Volunteer to help us develop more engaging content
Library Front of House
Welcoming members & helping them find instruments
Checking instruments in and out on our library software
Answering membership queries
General library organisation
New Donation Cataloguer
Taking new donations, and tidying them up
Photographing, researching and testing the item
Writing up an awesome, fun entry like this one, or this one, on the library system
Giving it a label, and finding a new home space for it
Events and Promotions
Being a face of Music Broth at events we are invited to bring a display to
Helping with setup, and pack-up at Music Broth larger events
Maintenance of Instruments
Help out by doing basic maintenance- restringing a string instrument, or oiling the brass!
Maintaining notes on the library software and checking them back in as okay afterwards
Checking over basic faults brought to attention
Highlighting more complex faults to our more advanced repair volunteers
Advanced maintenance & Repair Tech
Adjusting instruments- e.g. nuts, bridges, intonation on strings, or unseizing and servicing parts on brass, repairing flutes
Woodwork repairs to the body of instruments, such as guitars
Electronics Repair Tech
Diagnosing electronic faults
Soldering and repair of keyboards, amps, at circuit level
Repairing XLR Cables
Anything else
Come chat to us!
Volunteer Testimonials

"I have felt incredibly welcomed and accepted at Music Broth. It is a wonderful family of accepting, encouraging and driven people who I have drawn much inspiration!" Read more

"Being part of MB has blown away my loneliness and given me the confidence to learn new things. I feel part of the MB family and feel able to ask for help when I need it." Read More

"Volunteering at MB has been good for me. The atmosphere is relaxed, and the staff are friendly and a good of the reasons I like volunteering at MB is that it supports community." Read more

"have personally been motivated by what this charity have done, how volunteers have devoted themselves, how positive the feedbacks have been" Read more

"My time there was also a great opportunity to develop and hone my skills - the team really want volunteering to be an opportunity to grow!" Read more
Donate instruments
We love your donations! Donating has become increasingly popular, to ensure that items don't go to waste. It all takes time, however, and there are some items people want to donate that we just can't work with. So below please check that the items are in the right list, and the date of our next donation day. Unfortunately, we cannot accept donations in at other times/locations as we need to keep our space working well for projects and safety reasons.
Yes please
✔️✔️ Instrument not already in our library catalogue - especially those less common in the UK See our 'WANTED - not (yet) represented' list
✔️ Flutes (working) are currently in need
✔️ Electronic Drum kits
✔️ Microphones
✔️ Other instruments - we note instruments particularly in need right now above but we do accept others not on the list to the right.
For bulk donations (3+ instruments) and any large items, please email ahead, to double check our capacity
No thanks
❌ Pianos/organs – please contact our lovely partner organisation Glasgow Piano City
❌ Books, Magazines, Printed Materials (including music, sheet music, and music lesson books)
❌ Very large items / large quantities of items (email first- with details & photos)
❌ Drums (acoustic)- right now we have are well supplied and space is tight
❌ Keyboards - right now we are well supplied
❌ Music stands (we can take folding ones)
❌ Floppy disks, computer cables, VHS tapes, stereos, CD's, ZIP disks
❌ Large analogue mixing desks (we will consider smaller ones, email us!)
We need to keep our space tidy for projects and process items. As such unfortunately we can not accept donations at other times and/or locations.
Our next donation day is: to be scheduled for March/April 2024
Location: Music Broth South Glasgow
If however, you have an instrument from our 'WANTED - not (yet) represented' list. Please email us directly to arrange an expedited donation